About Me
Forsyth County Born & Bred
I was born in Forsyth County, was educated in Forsyth County, and am now employed by Forsyth County. I've spent most of my life living in this wonderful area of North Carolina and have been privileged to see many perspectives of life across our county. I grew up comfortably in northwest Winston-Salem, but through my middle school experience at the old Hanes-Lowrance on the corner of Indiana and Ivy Avenues, I quickly learned that life in this county is not the same for everyone. I have furthered this understanding when comparing my time as a student at Mount Tabor with my time as an educator at Parkland.
I recognize the opportunities that I had growing up, and I want my students to be provided with the same chances to grow, develop, and appreciate life in this county the same way I did. As a young educator, and a lifelong resident of Forsyth County, my candidacy will provide a voice in our local government for the next generation of this community. Our current Board of Commissioners includes members who have been entrenched in local government for decades. These individuals are interested in the status quo, and not innovative, progressive solutions to move our community forward.
My name is Kendall Fields, and I am here to provide a fresh perspective on the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners that is reflective of the county today, not the county of the past. A Forsyth County where every resident is able to access the tools necessary to become the best that they can be.